  • Simple tools
    Toned paper stretched on 1/4 inch plexi-glas with usual handy graphic and painting tools.
    Not For Sale
  • Small Sketch, Toned Paper

    A small Mudpie Project preliminary sketch on toned drawing paper rendered in pencil, ink and opaque white ink, measuring 6 x 10 inches or larger.

    Copyright to remain with artist for all reproduction purposes.

    Direct Sale
  • Graphite on Bristol, small

    A fully finished Mudpie Project drawing in pencil and graphite dust on 2 or 3-ply bristol paper measuring 6.25 x 11.5 inches, with protective coating of fixative.

    Copyright to remain with artist for all reproduction purposes.

    Direct Sale
  • Painting on Toned Paper, small
    A Mudpie Project painting on toned paper of various color with pencil, watercolor, gouache, and opaque inks, measuring 6x8 to 8x8 inches or larger.

    Copyright to remain with artist for all reproduction purposes.

    Direct Sale
  • Pen and Ink Wash on Toned Paper

    A Mudpie Project drawing in a field-sketch style done on toned paper as a pen and ink wash, measuring 7.25 x 13 inches or larger.

    Copyright to remain with artist for all reproduction purposes.

    Direct Sale
  • Painting on Toned Paper, larger

    A Mudpie Project painting on toned paper with pencil, watercolor, gouache, and opaque inks, measuring 7.5 x 13 inches or larger.

    Copyright to remain with artist for all reproduction purposes.

    Direct Sale
  • Graphite on Bristol, large

    A fully finished Mudpie Project drawing in pencil and graphite dust on 2 or 3-ply bristol paper measuring 7.75 x 14.5 inches, protected with a coating of fixative.

    Copyright to remain with artist for all reproduction purposes.

    Direct Sale
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Help Fund Mudpie

Here is an invitation to commission small, original Mudpie works.  I want to produce a few dozen nice b&w and color pieces to represent the project for a future crowd-funding campaign. If you decide to make a purchase from among the options available here, you will be helping the project along--and receive the original Mudpie work itself.  I only wish to retain copyright of the artwork for future reproduction purposes.  As a patron, you can select topics from the doodle and design drawing portfolios or leave the theme to me. Please contact me if there is an interest in commissioning larger works.

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